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How to add admin on your server

This will be a guide on how you can add admin to your 7 Days To Die server.

Adding admin through the config file

Step 1: Log in to your account on our Fragify panel and find your 7 Days To Die server.

Step 2: Before making any changes, you will first need to stop your server.

Step 3: Click on a section named File Manager on the left-side menu.

File Manager

Step 4: Navigate to the following directory: .local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves and open serveradmin.xml file.

Step 5: You will need a third-party tool, so you can find Steam64 ID. One of the most famous sites is Enter the Steam Profile URL of the person you want to add as admin and copy the Steam64 ID.

Step 6: Go back to the config file and search for the section:

Insert the following line:
<!-- <admin steamID="yourSteam64ID" permission_level="0" /> -->
between <admins> and </admins> and paste your Steam64 ID in steamID=. Example:
    <user steamID="76561198021925107" permission_level="0" />
Step 7: Start the server.