How to become an admin on your L4D2 server

  1. Firstly, navigate to your File Manager.

File Manager

  1. Then go to left4dead2 => addons => sourcemod => configs => admins.cfg.

  2. Scroll down to the end of the script until you find:


  3. Now you need to input your info in this format:

"PlayerNickname" {

"auth" "steam"

"identity" "insert_players_steamID"

"flags"  "z"

"immunity"  "99"


In the end, it should look something like this:



   "auth"  "steam" 

   "identity"  "insert_players_steamID" 

    "flags"  "z" 

    "immunity"  "99" 



Example Admin

  1. Once done, click on Save Content and Start/Restart your server.